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REAL GHOST STORIES ONLINE | Paranormal | Supernatural | Unexplained | Haunted

Real Ghost Stories from Real People. That is what our daily radio show is all about! Call in 24/7 1-855-853-4802 . Subscribe at 

Apr 30, 2020

A child sees the spirit of another boy peering in through the patio door early one morning. Who is the child and is he friend or foe?
A teenager is tormented by entities invading his room night after night, eventually forcing him to move from his family and the place he was supposed to call home.

To hear more real ghost...

Apr 29, 2020

A trucker struggles to find rest late one night, only to be disturbed by a supernatural visitor to his resting place. Who was the visitor, and what did she want?
Here is a sample of the story.
". It was either break the law and get a call from my safety department or park up in this vacant lot and go to bed. This...

Apr 28, 2020

What do you do when you witness dark shadow figures wandering around a cemetery late at night? That’s what one person had to contemplate, today on Real Ghost Stories Online.

Here is a preview of one of our stories.
“When I was 18 years old - a couple of friends and I visited the Pleasant Green Cemetery that's also...

Apr 27, 2020

What do you do when you can feel the energy of an unseen entity? What do you do when that energy is filled with pure hate? We hear about it today, on Real Ghost Stories Online.

Here is a preview of one story.
“. I couldn't make out a face or any eyes, but I could feel pure hatred for me radiating off him. I wanted to...

Apr 22, 2020

What was lurking around a bedroom late at night? That’s the horror that one woman was tormented with in her own home.
Here is a preview of the story.
“We've intended to move our bedroom upstairs so that our baby can sleep in her own room, and we can be in the guest room right next to her, but we haven't moved our...